by Geoff Blake  


Machinery, corrosion and organics make their way through my works like a truckload of scrap iron speeding out of control. It's what I call Art for Undead Machinery, with the feel of some kind of otherworldly salvage factory where machines are enslaved and put to labor while being basted in thick, wet layers of grit and grease. It comes on like an erotik encounter with a high-speed train wreck, and the junk heaps just keep getting deeper and deeper.


For more information and other works by Geoff Blake, please visit:



The Minotaur Queen of the Larva Children v 2.0 (125K)


Nothing the God of Bio-mekkaniks Wouldn't Let You into Heaven for #1 (146.7K)


Nothing the God of Bio-mekkaniks Wouldn't Let You into Heaven for #32 (135.4K)


Nothing the God of Bio-mekkaniks Wouldn't Let You into Heaven for #40 (145.6K)


Rise (259.5K)


Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole (339.5K)


The Undead Psi-tekk Trash Queen [with slight skin irritation] (119.4K)

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