by MMicky Shine  


For the last 5+ years I've been living on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota, USA within the new hometown I've chosen of Eagle Butte. Through the year's passed before and during, producing art, performing and studying mmusic, I was taught that mmusic knows no boundaries and is common to all societies, languages, religions, races and countries. Mmusic is the only recognised universal language. To include everyone with this work is my goal. Anyone with an interest in any forms of mmusic or art anywhere.

We generally think of mmusic as a healing force for whatever reasons; concerts for good causes, mmusic for food, mmusic for water, mmusic when we are down, mmusic when we are up, mmusic in the dentist's chair, mmusic in the stores we frequent, mmusic in our homes, our vehicles, our everyday activities.

MMusic can be heard almost everywhere we live and breathe, but on the other hand mmusic is not seen very often by people in general. Therefore making most people unfamiliar with this language. Unfamiliarity breeds fear the subject of repeated conversations by those who told mme, "I wish I could." I hope to with this mmusic/art, quell those fears and awaken the creativity of all of those that would think, "they can't."

To see more mmusic in the world is one of my goals. Besides other ventures now being pursued, by painting mmusic murals, sound sculptures etcÉand assembling them in whatever towns, cities or countries that would have them. Encouraging the unemployed and especially children to help with painting them while they also would receive remuneration, is my ultimate goal, though not my only one.

Basically and put simply then, this goal is to show mmusic in a different light by using another art form and one unlike the written forms of mmusic one might see any day, one with different colors with also I might add, a new perspective.

Although I create works with many other varying and different subjects, themes, objects and materials, mmusic/art is my most important theme at this point of my life and one I hope the people of every language and culture will enjoy.


For more MMusic Perspectives by MMicky Shine, please visit:

MMicky Shine's Note US


1-2-3-form-5 b (39.1K)


7annnnn (47.5K)


D arpeggio from A (54.9K)


A Queen's Dolour - Four-ninety (56.2K)


The Shadow of FOUR (58K)

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